

Mr. WANYInizia il suo percorso artistico con i graffiti writing a soli 12 anni, nel 1990, è già noto come Mr.Wany, lo pseudonimo con cui firma i graffiti sui muri della sua città.
Si diploma al Liceo Artistico “Edgardo Simone” di Brindisi e successivamente si specializza col massimo dei voti presso la “Scuola Internazionale di Comics” a Roma. Nel 2000 si trasferisce a Bologna dove viene assunto come Art-Director  dalla Dynit, una delle più importanti case editrici di cartoon e fumetti giapponesi. Negli anni lavora come scenografo, fumettista, illustratore, grafico pubblicitario, designer, art director, tatuatore, progettista, serigrafo e creativo con delle parentesi di producer musicale/talent scout, editoria autoprodotta, e ballerino professionista. Nel tempo fa parte delle crew FDS, TSK, PDB, PUF, GBF, HA. Wany un artista poliedrico di grande esperienza visiva, dalla grafica, il fumetto e l’illustrazione, passando dal tattoo sino a quando nel 2006 firma un contratto con una grossa galleria e si trasferisce a Milano dove apre il suo atelier The Amazing Art, approda così concretamente e costantemente alla pittura su tela e su oggetti. Nel tempo raggiunge obiettivi artistici prima impensabili per uno Street artist: vincere contest, giurie, work shop, lavora per moltissimi Brand anche come testimoniai. Intervistato e pubblicato in tutto il mondo.
In 26 anni di attività la usa arte ha vissuto diverse fasi. Sicura mente il più completo, prolifico ed uno dei più creativi e sperimentatori artisti di Writing che l’Italia abbia visto negli ultimi 20 anni. Mr. Wany ha l’opportunità di collaborare con i migliori artisti di writing e street art del mondo come Aryz, Sofles, Can2, Revok, Rime, Aroe, Roid, Norm, Etam crew, Smash e molti altri … Il suo stile oggi è un mix fra pittura pop surreali sta, tattoo neo traditional, graffiti writing & street art, illustra zione e comics … insomma in una parola: Mr.Wany.
Mr. Wany’s artistic journey with graffiti writing began at just 12 years of age in 1990 when he was already known as Mr. Wany, the pseudonym with which he signs his graffiti on his home city’s walls.
He graduated from Liceo Artistico Edgardo Simone in Brindisi and subsequently studied for his specialisation degree at Rome’s Scuola Internazionale di Comics graduating with full marks. In the year 2000 he moved to Bologna where he was appointed Art Director by Dynit, one of the most important Japanese cartoon and comic strip publishing houses. Over the years he has worked as set designer, comic strip creator, illustrator, advertising graphic artist, designer, art director, tattoo artist, serigraph artist and creative guru with intervals as music producer/talent scout, publisher of his own work and professional dancer. He has been part of the FDS, TSK, PDB, PUF, GBF, HA crews. Wany is a multi-faceted artist of great visual experience ranging from graphics, comic strips and illustrations by way of tattoos before he signed a contract with a large gallery in 2006 and moved to Milan where he opened his The Amazing Art atelier and thus began applying himself to painting on canvas and objects concretely and constantly. In the meantime he achieved artistic objectives unimaginable for a street artist winning contests, sitting on juries, organising workshops and working as testimonial for a great many brands. He has been interviewed and published the world over.
In 26 years of activity his art has passed through various phases. He is undoubtedly the most complete, prolific and one of the most creative and experimental writing artists to work in Italy over the last 20 years. Mr. Wany has worked with some of the best international names in writing and street art such as Aryz, Sofles, Can2, Revok, Rime, Aroe, Roid, Norm, Etam crew, Smash and many more… His style today is a mixture of surreal pop painting, neo-traditional tattoo, graffiti writing and street art, illustration and comics. In a word: Mr. Wany.

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